10 Things You’re Doing That Are Secretly Making Mom Life Harder
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Being a new mom is overwhelming. Between sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and trying to keep a tiny human alive, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning. But what if I told you that some of the things you’re doing (with the best of intentions!) might actually be making mom life harder than it needs to be?
Let’s take a look at 10 common habits that secretly add stress—and simple ways to fix them.
1. Ignoring Your Own Needs
You’re so focused on taking care of your baby that you forget about yourself. You skip meals, run on caffeine, and put off showering for “later” (which never comes).
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: When you neglect yourself, you burn out faster, making patience and joy hard to come by.
✅ Fix It: Schedule small but essential self-care moments. Eat real meals, stay hydrated, and accept help when it’s offered. A well-rested, nourished mom = a better mom!
2. Comparing Yourself to Other Moms

Scrolling through Instagram and seeing “perfect moms” with spotless homes and smiling babies makes you feel like you’re failing.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: Social media only shows the highlight reel, not the messy reality of motherhood.
✅ Fix It: Unfollow accounts that make you feel inadequate and remind yourself that every mom struggles—even the ones who look like they have it all together.
3. Trying to Do Everything Yourself
You feel like you have to do it all—clean the house, cook meals, handle every diaper change, and still be a loving, present mom.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: You can’t do it all alone—and trying to will only lead to exhaustion.
✅ Fix It: Ask for help and delegate tasks to your partner, family, or friends. Motherhood is a team effort, not a solo mission.
4. Over-Googling Everything

Your baby sneezes? You Google. They won’t nap? You Google. Before you know it, you’re convinced your child has a rare illness.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: Over-Googling can increase anxiety and lead to unnecessary stress.
✅ Fix It: Stick to trusted sources (like your pediatrician or reputable parenting sites) and resist the urge to self-diagnose every little thing.
5. Saying “Yes” to Everything
Visitors want to see the baby, friends invite you out, and you feel pressured to keep up with life like you did before.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: Overcommitting leads to stress, exhaustion, and resentment.
✅ Fix It: Learn to say “Not right now” without guilt. Your priority is your baby and your well-being—everything else can wait.
6. Stressing Over a Perfect Sleep Schedule

You’ve read every sleep-training book, but your baby still won’t sleep on a schedule.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: Babies don’t follow rigid schedules right away. Expecting them to can make you feel like a failure.
✅ Fix It: Follow a gentle routine instead of a strict schedule. Watch for sleepy cues (rubbing eyes, yawning) and put your baby down when they’re tired—not just when the clock says it’s “nap time.”
7. Letting Mom Guilt Run Your Life
You feel guilty for wanting a break. Guilty for bottle-feeding. Guilty for putting your baby down for five minutes so you can breathe.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: Mom guilt steals your joy and confidence.
✅ Fix It: Remind yourself that a happy, healthy mom = a happy, healthy baby. Taking breaks doesn’t make you a bad mom—it makes you a better one.
8. Buying Every Baby Product Under the Sun

You see a viral baby gadget and think, I NEED that! Before you know it, your house is overflowing with baby stuff you never actually use.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: Too much stuff = clutter, stress, and wasted money.
✅ Fix It: Stick to the basics. Your baby doesn’t need 10 swaddle blankets, a wipe warmer, and five different types of bottles. Focus on essentials and avoid impulse buys.
9. Expecting Your House to Stay Clean
You’re trying to keep your house looking the way it did before kids—but now, laundry piles up, dishes go unwashed, and there are toys everywhere.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: Unrealistic expectations set you up for frustration.
✅ Fix It: Lower your standards. Your house won’t be spotless—and that’s okay. Focus on small wins (like keeping one room tidy) instead of perfection.
10. Forgetting That This Stage Won’t Last Forever

When you’re sleep-deprived and overwhelmed, it feels like this stage will never end. But it will.
🚨 Why It’s a Problem: Wishing for the hard moments to be over can make you miss the little joys of the newborn stage.
✅ Fix It: Remind yourself, “This is temporary.” The sleepless nights will pass, the constant feedings will slow down, and one day, you’ll miss those tiny baby snuggles.
Final Thoughts: You’re Doing Better Than You Think!
Motherhood is hard—but it doesn’t have to be harder than necessary. By avoiding these 10 common mistakes, you can reduce stress, enjoy your baby more, and remind yourself that you are enough.
💡 Remember:
✔ You don’t have to do it all. Ask for help.
✔ Your baby doesn’t need a perfect mom. Just a loving one.
✔ Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your baby.
So take a deep breath, mama. You’ve got this! 💛
What changes are you going to make? Let us know in the comments below.
Vanessa Rooney – LDS Mum