11 DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

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DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles are one of the most versatile materials for crafting with kids. Not only do they provide an opportunity for creative fun, but they also teach children the importance of recycling and repurposing everyday items.

Whether you’re looking for a rainy-day activity, a school project, or a fun way to spend the afternoon, these DIY bottle crafts for kids are sure to inspire creativity!

1. DIY Bottle Piggy Bank

DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Materials Needed:

  • An empty plastic bottle
  • Paint or decorative paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Googly eyes (optional)
  • Stickers or markers for decoration


  1. Clean and dry the bottle.
  2. Cut a slot in the side large enough to fit coins.
  3. Let your child paint or decorate the bottle to resemble a piggy bank or their favorite character.
  4. Glue on googly eyes or use markers to draw details.
  5. Once dry, start saving coins in your DIY piggy bank!

2. Paper Mache & Bottle Piggy Bank

DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Creating a piggy bank using paper mache and a plastic bottle is a fun and eco-friendly craft project. Follow these step-by-step instructions to make your own adorable piggy bank.

Materials Needed

  • 1 empty plastic bottle (any size, but a 1-liter bottle works well)
  • Old newspapers or tissue paper
  • White glue or flour paste (see below for recipe)
  • Water
  • Paintbrushes
  • Balloons (for the snout)
  • Egg cartons or small cardboard pieces (for ears and legs)
  • Masking tape
  • Acrylic or spray paint (pink, or any color you like)
  • Black marker or small buttons (for eyes)
  • Craft knife or scissors
  • A coin slot template (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Plastic Bottle

  1. Remove the label from the plastic bottle and wash it thoroughly.
  2. Dry the bottle and ensure there is no moisture inside.
  3. Use a craft knife or scissors to carefully cut a coin slot on the top of the bottle (about 1.5 inches long and wide enough to insert coins).
  4. Secure the bottle cap tightly, as this will serve as the piggy bank’s snout.

Step 2: Attach Pig Features

  1. Snout – Inflate a small balloon and tape it to the bottle cap. This will give the pig a round snout shape.
  2. Ears – Cut out two ear shapes from an egg carton or cardboard and tape them to the top of the bottle.
  3. Legs – Cut four small pieces from an egg carton or cardboard and tape them at the bottom of the bottle to resemble legs.
  4. Tail – Use a strip of cardboard or a twisted piece of wire to create a curly tail and attach it to the back with tape.

Step 3: Apply Paper Mache

  1. Make the Paste:
    • Mix equal parts of white glue and water in a bowl.
    • Alternatively, make a flour paste by mixing 1 cup of flour with 1 cup of water until smooth.
  2. Tear Newspaper: Rip old newspapers into small strips.
  3. Layering: Dip newspaper strips into the paste, remove excess paste by sliding the strip between your fingers, and place it on the bottle.
  4. Smooth Out: Cover the entire bottle, ears, snout, and legs with 3-4 layers of paper mache. Let each layer dry before applying the next.
  5. Allow it to dry completely (overnight for best results).

Step 4: Paint and Decorate

  1. Once the paper mache is fully dry, paint the entire piggy bank with a base coat of pink (or any color you like).
  2. Let the paint dry completely.
  3. Paint or attach eyes using a black marker, buttons, or googly eyes.
  4. Add nostrils on the snout with black paint or marker.
  5. Use any additional decorations like glitter, stickers, or fabric to customize your piggy bank.

Step 5: Final Touches

  • Check if the coin slot is clear. If needed, cut it again carefully.
  • Your piggy bank is now ready to use! Drop in your coins and start saving.

✔ Let each paper mache layer dry completely before adding another to avoid sogginess.
✔ For a glossy finish, use clear varnish after painting.
✔ If making with kids, consider using non-toxic glue and paints.

Enjoy your handcrafted piggy bank while recycling materials creatively! 🐷💰

3. Bottle Planters

DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Materials Needed:

  • Plastic bottles (any size)
  • Potting soil
  • Seeds or small plants
  • Paint or markers
  • Scissors


  1. Cut the bottle in half. Use the bottom part as the planter.
  2. Decorate the outside with paint, stickers, or markers.
  3. Fill the bottle with soil and plant seeds or a small plant.
  4. Place the planter in a sunny spot and water it regularly!

4. Water Bottle Wind Spirals

DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Materials Needed:

  • Empty plastic bottles
  • Permanent markers or paint
  • Scissors
  • String


  1. Clean and dry the bottle.
  2. Use markers or paint to decorate it in bright colors.
  3. Cut the bottle into a spiral shape from top to bottom.
  4. Attach a string to the top and hang it outside where the wind can catch it!

5. DIY Bottle Rocket

DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Materials Needed:

  • An empty soda bottle
  • Construction paper
  • Tape or glue
  • Baking soda and vinegar (optional for a launching experiment)


  1. Wrap the bottle with construction paper and decorate it like a rocket.
  2. Cut out and attach fins and a nose cone.
  3. If you want to launch it, add a mix of baking soda and vinegar inside and quickly seal it before it shoots up!

6. Ocean in a Bottle

DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Materials Needed:

  • A clear plastic bottle
  • Water
  • Blue food coloring
  • Cooking oil
  • Glitter or small sea-themed toys


  1. Fill the bottle halfway with water and add a few drops of blue food coloring.
  2. Pour cooking oil into the rest of the bottle.
  3. Add glitter and small sea toys.
  4. Seal the bottle tightly and shake to see the waves move!

6. DIY Sensory Bottle

DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Materials Needed:

  • An empty plastic bottle
  • Water
  • Beads, glitter, or small objects
  • Clear glue or baby oil
  • Food coloring (optional)


  1. Fill the bottle halfway with water.
  2. Add in glitter, beads, or small objects.
  3. Pour in clear glue or baby oil to create a slow-moving effect.
  4. Seal tightly and let kids shake it to watch the objects move.

8. Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

Materials Needed:

  • An empty plastic bottle
  • Twine or string
  • Birdseed
  • Scissors
  • Wooden dowels or sticks


  1. Cut small holes in the sides of the bottle for birds to access the food.
  2. Insert wooden dowels or sticks as perches for birds.
  3. Fill the bottle with birdseed.
  4. Hang the feeder outside with twine and watch the birds enjoy!

9. Paper Mache & Bottle Bird Feeder

DIY Bottle Crafts for Kids: Fun and Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Materials Needed

  • 1 empty plastic bottle (1 or 2 liters work best)
  • Old newspapers or tissue paper
  • White glue or flour paste (see below for recipe)
  • Water
  • Craft knife or scissors
  • Paintbrushes
  • Acrylic or spray paint (outdoor-friendly)
  • Twine or string for hanging
  • Wooden dowels, chopsticks, or sticks (for perches)
  • Masking tape
  • Birdseed

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Plastic Bottle

  1. Remove the label from the plastic bottle and wash it thoroughly.
  2. Dry the bottle and ensure there is no moisture inside.
  3. Use a craft knife or scissors to cut a large feeding hole about 2-3 inches in diameter on one side of the bottle. Make sure it is about 2 inches from the bottom to hold birdseed.
  4. Cut a second, smaller hole directly opposite the feeding hole for ventilation.
  5. Poke a small hole below the large feeding hole and insert a wooden dowel or chopstick through the bottle to create a perch for birds to land on. Secure it with glue or tape if needed.

Step 2: Apply Paper Mache

  1. Make the Paste:
    • Mix equal parts of white glue and water in a bowl.
    • Alternatively, make a flour paste by mixing 1 cup of flour with 1 cup of water until smooth.
  2. Tear Newspaper: Rip old newspapers into small strips.
  3. Layering: Dip newspaper strips into the paste, remove excess paste by sliding the strip between your fingers, and apply them to the bottle. Cover the entire bottle (except the feeding hole and perch area).
  4. Smooth Out: Apply 3-4 layers of paper mache for durability, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next.
  5. Let it dry completely (overnight for best results).

Step 3: Paint and Decorate

  1. Once the paper mache is fully dry, paint the feeder with weatherproof acrylic paint or spray paint.
  2. Let the paint dry completely before adding designs.
  3. Optional: Add decorative patterns, leaves, flowers, or bird-themed designs to make the feeder visually appealing.
  4. Apply a waterproof sealant to protect the feeder from rain.

Step 4: Add Hanging Support

  1. Punch two small holes near the top of the bottle.
  2. Thread twine or strong string through the holes and tie securely.
  3. Ensure the knot is strong enough to hold the weight of the feeder and the birds.

Step 5: Fill and Hang the Feeder

  1. Fill the bottom of the feeder with birdseed.
  2. Hang it on a tree branch, porch, or balcony where birds can easily access it.
  3. Enjoy watching the birds as they come to feed!

Tips & Tricks

✔ Choose a shady and quiet location to hang the feeder for bird safety.
✔ Regularly refill the feeder and clean it to prevent mold or bacteria buildup.
✔ Use natural colors to help birds feel more comfortable approaching the feeder.
✔ If making with kids, use non-toxic glue and paints for safety.

Now you have a beautiful, eco-friendly bird feeder that attracts birds while reducing waste! 🐦🌿

10. Lava Lamp Using a Plastic Bottle

Lava Lamp Using a Plastic Bottle

Creating a homemade lava lamp with a plastic bottle is a fun and simple science experiment that demonstrates the interaction of oil and water while creating mesmerizing bubbles. This project is great for kids and adults alike!

Materials Needed

  • 1 empty clear plastic bottle (500ml or 1L works best)
  • Vegetable oil or baby oil
  • Water
  • Food coloring (any color of your choice)
  • Alka-Seltzer tablets (or any effervescent tablets)
  • Flashlight (optional, for glowing effect)
  • Funnel (optional, for easier pouring)

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Bottle

  1. Clean and dry your plastic bottle thoroughly.
  2. Remove any labels for a clear view of the lava lamp effect.

Step 2: Add Oil and Water

  1. Fill the plastic bottle about ¾ full with vegetable oil.
  2. Carefully pour water into the bottle until it is almost full, leaving about an inch of space at the top.
  3. Observe how the water sinks to the bottom since oil and water do not mix.

Step 3: Add Food Coloring

  1. Add 5-10 drops of food coloring into the bottle.
  2. Wait as the drops pass through the oil and mix with the water at the bottom.

Step 4: Create the Lava Effect

  1. Break an Alka-Seltzer tablet into smaller pieces.
  2. Drop one piece at a time into the bottle and watch the bubbles form!
  3. As the tablet dissolves, it releases gas, causing colored bubbles to rise and fall, creating the lava lamp effect.

Step 5: Enhance the Glow (Optional)

  1. Place the bottle on top of a flashlight or shine a light from below for a glowing effect.
  2. This works especially well in a dark room!

How It Works

  • Oil and water don’t mix – Oil stays on top since it is less dense than water.
  • Alka-Seltzer creates carbon dioxide gas – The bubbles push the colored water upward, making them float like a lava lamp.
  • The bubbles burst at the top, releasing gas and letting the water sink back down, repeating the process.

Tips & Tricks

✔ For a longer-lasting effect, add small pieces of the Alka-Seltzer tablet one at a time.
✔ Experiment with colors by mixing different food colorings for a unique look.
✔ Make it glow using glow-in-the-dark paint or a blacklight-reactive liquid.
✔ Seal the bottle with a cap (without tablets) to use as a sensory bottle for kids.

Now you have a fun, homemade lava lamp made from a plastic bottle! Enjoy watching the bubbles rise and fall as they create a mesmerizing effect. 🔥💡

11. Hanging Bottle Lanterns 🏮

Hanging Bottle Lanterns


Plastic bottle, LED lights, paint, string.


  • Cut the bottom off the bottle and decorate it.
  • Insert LED lights and hang for a glowing lantern effect.


Recycling plastic bottles into fun crafts is an excellent way to spark creativity while teaching kids about sustainability. These DIY bottle crafts are easy, engaging, and help children see everyday objects in new, imaginative ways. So, grab some plastic bottles, gather your craft supplies, and start creating fun projects today!

Which one will you choose first?

Vanessa Rooney – LDS Mum

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