
How to Raise Faithful Kids When Your Spouse Isn’t a Believer

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Raising children in faith when your spouse does not share your beliefs can be challenging, but it is possible. Here’s how you can nurture your child’s faith in a spiritually divided home:

1. Lead by Example

How to Raise Faithful Kids When Your Spouse Isn’t a Believer

Children learn best by watching. Demonstrate faith in your daily life—through prayer, reading scripture, and acts of kindness. As Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Leading by example as a Christian is one of the most powerful ways to teach your children about faith, love, and righteousness. Children learn more from what they see than from what they are told, so living a life that reflects Christ’s teachings helps instill lasting values in them.

When they witness you praying consistently, studying the scriptures, showing kindness to others, and trusting God in difficult moments, they begin to understand that faith is not just a set of rules but a way of life. 

Demonstrating patience, forgiveness, and humility in your daily interactions teaches them how to navigate challenges with Christlike love. Your example becomes the foundation of their own spiritual journey, guiding them to seek the Lord in their decisions and struggles.

It is important to lead in faith because children will face a world filled with conflicting messages and influences. If they see their parents standing firm in their beliefs, living with integrity, and relying on God, they will be more likely to do the same when they encounter trials. 

A home centered on Christ provides a safe place for them to grow spiritually, ask questions, and develop a personal relationship with the Savior. By prioritizing family prayer, scripture study, and service to others, you create an environment where faith is nurtured naturally. The goal is not just to raise good children but to help shape faithful, compassionate, and strong disciples of Christ who will carry His light into the world.

2. Create a Christ-Centered Environment

How to Raise Faithful Kids When Your Spouse Isn’t a Believer

Creating a Christ-centered home environment begins with making the gospel the foundation of daily life. This means more than just attending church on Sundays—it’s about intentionally inviting the Spirit into our homes through prayer, scripture study, and Christlike love.

Families can set the tone by beginning and ending each day with heartfelt prayers, discussing gospel principles in everyday conversations, and seeking the Lord’s guidance in decisions both big and small.

Displaying uplifting artwork, playing faith-filled music, and keeping the scriptures accessible can also serve as daily reminders of Christ’s presence. More importantly, a Christ-centered home is one where family members feel safe, valued, and loved—a place where kindness, patience, and forgiveness are practiced regularly.

Living the gospel at home also means teaching children through example. When parents model Christlike behavior—offering service, showing compassion, and repenting openly—they create an environment where faith becomes a natural part of life. Family home evening, meaningful discussions about Christ’s teachings, and finding ways to serve others together help reinforce these values.

While no home is perfect, striving for a Christ-centered atmosphere allows for grace and growth, ensuring that the home becomes a refuge from the world and a place where the Savior’s love is felt every day.

Let your child see faith as a natural part of life.

3. Engage in Meaningful Conversations

How to Raise Faithful Kids When Your Spouse Isn’t a Believer

Encourage open discussions about faith, answering their questions with honesty and love. Scholar Dr. James Dobson states, “Children will embrace a belief system that is demonstrated through daily living.”

Engaging your child in meaningful discussions about their faith helps them develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthens their spiritual foundation as well as your personal relationship with your child. Here are a few thoughtful questions to spark those conversations:

  1. Who is Jesus Christ to you, and how do you feel His love in your life?
  2. Can you think of a time when you felt the Holy Spirit guiding or comforting you?
  3. What is your favorite scripture or scripture story, and why does it inspire you?
  4. How do you think we can show Christ’s love to others in our family and community?
  5. What does it mean to have faith, and how can we strengthen our faith every day?
  6. Have you ever had a prayer answered in a way you didn’t expect? How did that make you feel?
  7. What are some things that make it easier (or harder) for you to feel close to God?
  8. How can we bring Christ into our home and daily routines more often?
  9. If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be?
  10. What are some ways you can share your testimony with others, even without words?

4. Get Support from Your Church Community

How to Raise Faithful Kids When Your Spouse Isn’t a Believer

If your spouse isn’t involved in faith, ensure your child has strong Christian role models. Sunday school teachers, bishops, and faith-based mentors can reinforce biblical values.

Encourage your child to attend youth groups and bible study groups. It will help your child grow in the gospel while building meaningful friendships.

5. Be Respectful Toward Your Spouse’s Beliefs

While it’s important to instill faith, it’s equally crucial to respect your spouse’s views. A healthy family dynamic fosters love and understanding, not division.

Respecting your partner’s beliefs when they are not Christian requires a foundation of love, understanding, and open communication. While faith is deeply personal, a Christlike approach to relationships encourages patience, kindness, and mutual respect. 

Instead of focusing on differences, seek common values—such as kindness, honesty, and commitment—that can strengthen your relationship. It’s important to listen to your partner’s beliefs with an open heart, just as you hope they will listen to yours. 

Rather than trying to persuade or convert them, lead by example through your actions, showing Christ’s love in the way you treat them and others.

Setting clear expectations about faith-based practices in your home can also help maintain harmony. Let your partner know that your faith is important to you while also affirming that you respect their perspective. 

Find ways to support each other’s spiritual or philosophical journeys, even if they differ. Ultimately, a strong relationship is built on love and mutual understanding, and by embodying Christ’s teachings of humility and grace, you can create a home filled with respect and harmony, regardless of differing beliefs.


  • How can I incorporate faith into our daily routine?
  • Am I demonstrating Christian values in my actions?
  • How can I support my child’s spiritual growth while respecting my spouse’s beliefs?

Action Items

✅ Set a routine of prayer and Bible reading with your child.
✅ Find a Christian mentor or supportive church group.
✅ Show Christ’s love through patience and respect for your spouse.
✅ Encourage your child’s faith-based friendships.


Parenting is a journey filled with highs and lows, but with the right tools, guidance, and mindset, it can be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life. Keep learning, stay flexible, and remember—you are the best parent for your child!

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Could This One Christian Teaching Be the Secret to a Happier Family?

How To Keep Your Kids On The Covenant Path

In friendship and faith,

Vanessa Rooney – LDS Mum

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